Telligen's Compliance Program

To Make a Report

This Compliance Hotline accepts reports via either a toll free phone number, or the internet, and assures anonymity during the report intake process when requested.

  • Call 1-866-294-5532 (toll free)
  • Para hacer una denuncial en espanol, favor de llamar 1-866-294-5532

After you complete a report, you will be assigned a unique code called a “report key”. Write down your report key and password, and keep them in a safe place. The report key and password cannot be retrieved if they are lost. In 5-8 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

To Make a report click here

Telligen’s Commitment to Ethics

Telligen is committed to our values at all levels, expecting the highest degree of ethical conduct. Compliance with ethical standards depends on you. Our values are expressed in the Code of Conduct. The Compliance Hotline is designed to assist and encourage employees to come forward in good faith with reports or concerns about suspected compliance issues, without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

EthicsPoint is to be used for serious concerns about suspected compliance issues, not general complaints or suggestions. The Compliance Hotline does not replace the other methods of communication traditionally used to communicate questions or issues. However, if employees are uncomfortable discussing the matter with their supervisor, they may use the Compliance Hotline to confidentially or anonymously report a question or concern. Again, employees should not use the Compliance Hotline for general suggestions or complaints.

EthicsPoint was selected to provide risk free ways to anonymously and confidentially report workplace issues or concerns as well as any activities that involve violations of Telligen policies and procedures. EthicsPoint is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.